As a sister school of Daizawa Internatioanl School, Kids On Air offers afterschool programs for children in elementary schools. As such, KOA is influenced by the same Reggio Emilia approach that marks the educational style of DIS.
DISのシスタースクールとして、“Kids On Air”という小学生向けのアフタースクールがあります。小学校入学後も、DISのレッジョ・エミリアアプローチと連携したインターナショナル教育を受けることができます。
Preschool – After School
DIS offers a number of programs, including an afterschool program for children up to 6 years old and a mother and baby class for babies up to 12 months old. We have two campuses: our Daizawa Campus is for children who are 12 months to 3 years old, and
our Oyama Campus is for children who are 3 to 6 years old.
After DIS, children go on to not only international schools but also to public and private Japanese elementary schools. There are as many paths beyond DIS as there are children. Whatever path they choose to take, DIS graduates should have a place where
they can continue to grow as world citizens. That was the thinking behind the founding of Kids On Air in Tomigaya, Shibuya, Tokyo.
At KOA, teaching is conducted entirely in English. Children from Japanese schools and international schools learn about the world through thematic projects to become better world citizens.
Saturday School at KOA offers a homestay-style learning environment that the regular weekday programs cannot.
小学校へ進み、学ぶ環境が異なる中でも、DIS時に習得した“World Citizen”としての魅力を、高めて行って欲しい。そんな想いから、小学生向けのアフタースクールを“Kids On Air(キッズ・オン・エア)”を、富ヶ谷に設立致しました。
現在、インターナショナルスクール、日本の小学校の子供達が英語の環境下で、World Citizenとして、”学校では教わらない世界の文化体験”をテーマにした様々なプロジェクトに取組んでおります。
Kids On Airでは、Saturday Schoolを開校し、平日のアフタースクールの限られた時間だけではなく、週末のホームステイスタイルで学べる環境も整えております